Attention special registration!

A special examination phase applies to the 2nd semester of the Master's degree programmes due to the shortened semester (practical phase).

You can register for the three course examinations in the 2nd semester using a form.

Please first select your degree programme and then the courses for which you would like to take the examination.


Link to the form*:

Access only possible from the start of the deadline!


If you have any problems registering, please contact the Examination Office as soon as possible and within the registration period!

We cannot register or deregister after the registration and deregistration period.


Please note:

Failure to register for the examinations may lead to a postponement of the degree programme and may result in non-admission to the final thesis!


Registration deadline for SoSe 24: 

01.10. – 23.10.2024

Deadline for registration and deregistration period see here: Deadlines


Cancellation of exams:

If you decide to cancel your registration, you have the option to withdraw from one or more examinations within the registration period.

Deregistration for examinations is done via the examinations office by email to 


Repetition of examinations from the 2nd semester:

If you have to repeat the examinations due to illness or a failed attempt, please register via the examination registration tool (CLICK HERE). The registration times for the special examination phase and the repeat examination phase are always the same.

Important note: You will then write the examinations together with your fellow students at the regular examination times. This can also be outside the resit week (May/November)!


Scheduling of exam dates:

You will be informed of the dates for the respective examinations at the beginning of the semester. The dates are set individually by the lecturers or the head of degree programme.

Postponements are possible!



Don't forget to click on "Submit" at the end of the form! Before submitting the form, please tick the e-mail confirmation box and download the PDF of your registration after submitting. This serves as proof of your timely registration and should be done without fail! If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation from Microsoft Forms despite activating the checkbox, please contact the examination office immediately.